@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000023, author = {安積, 陽子}, issue = {1}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編, Studies in nursing and rehabilitation}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006999392, 親準備性を養護性という観点から捉え,大学生男女の養護性を乳幼児接触体験との関係から明らかにすることを目的に,質問紙による集合調査を実施した。関西圏の大学生男女241名の回答を分析した。その結果,(1)養護性の形成状態は性別による差があり,女子の方が男子よりも「赤ちゃん・子どもへの興味」「積極的養護的役割の受容」の得点が有意に高い,(2)乳幼児接触体験は男女ともに「赤ちゃん・子どもへの興味」にプラスの影響を与えている,が明らかとなった。今後は,女子における「自信」の推移を親になるまでの過程において明らかにすること,養護性を高める働きかけとして乳幼児接触体験の質や量,体験の時期の検討が必要である。, The purpose of this study was to investigate nurturance among nursing and social welfare college students as affected by sex and experiences in interacting with young children. The questionnaire was distributed to college students in Kansai area. The respondents were 179 females and 62 males. Each score on the subscales of nurturance differed based on sex. As for the "Interest in young children", and "Confidence in taking care of young children", the mean values of female students were significantly higher than those of male students. The students who had experience in interaction with young children scored high on "Interest in young children" for both sexes. Further study is needed to understand the development of nurturance regarding the following points : 1) identification of the transition of "Confidence in taking care of young children" in a longitudinally designed study and 2) characterization the effects of quantity and quality of the experiences in interacting with young children on nurturance.}, pages = {23--28}, title = {看護系・福祉系大学生の養護性の形成に関する一考察 : 性別と乳幼児接触体験との関連から}, year = {2008} }