@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000027, author = {松浦, 尊麿}, issue = {1}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006999394, 目的:本研究は,農村地域在住高齢者の生きる意欲を阻害している心身及び生活関連因子を明らかにすることにより,高齢者の地域生活継続に資するケア方策を見いだすことを目的として行った。方法:旧G町において2005年に65歳以上全高齢世帯を対象に健康・生活調査を実施した。調査に回答したのは2749人(回収率は85.3%)で,そのうち,「生きていてもしかたない」の項目に回答のあった2052人(男性881人,女性1171人)を解析対象者とした。生きる意欲に関連する心身・生活因子を明らかにするために,「生きていてもしかたない」を目的変数とした多重ロジスティック回帰分析(ステップワイズ法)を用い,性別に,前期,後期高齢者に区分して解析した。成績:「生きていてもしかたない」と回答したのは男性で20.2%,女性24.6%で,男女合わせて22.7%は「生きていてもしかたない」気持ちを有していた。「生きていても仕方ない」気持ちに関わる独立した心身・生活因子に,男性では,前期高齢者で,「預金の出し入れができない」「友人・親族とおしゃべりをしていない」「友人・親族と電話をしない」「残存歯が10本未満」「友人を訪問していない」「体重減少あり」などが,後期高齢者で,「記憶力の低下あり」「体重減少あり」「独居であること」「心臓症状あり」「自覚的健康感よくない」などが関連した。女性では,前期高齢者で,「預金の出し入れができない」「食事に問題あり」「脳血管症状あり」「地域活動に参加していない」「自覚的健康感よくない」「趣味・お稽古事をしていない」などが,後期高齢者で,「家事の自信がない」「地域活動に参加していない」「耳が聞こえず会話に支障がある」「自覚的健康感よくない」などが関連した。結論:生きる意欲に関連する心身・生活因子は性や年齢によって異なるが,前期高齢期で社会交流因子が多く,後期高齢期で身体不調に関する因子が多い傾向は男女とも共通している。, Objective : This study was conducted to clarify the risk factors for "the will to live" of the elderly living in local areas with the purpose to explore the approach for providing healthcare to enhance their later lives. Method : A cross-sectional investigation was conducted in a town formerly called G in 2005. Questionnaires pertaining to physical, psychological and lifestyle factors were distributed to the people aged ≧ 65 years. Out of 2,749 respondents (response rate : 85.3%), the 2,052 individuals (881 men and 1,171 women) who responded to the item "the will to live" were chosen as subjects. Stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors related to "the will to live". All statistical analyses were performed by sex and age stratifications. Results : Overall, 22.7% of the individuals (20.2% of men and 24.6% of women) reported a "poor will to live". In men, the feeling of a "poor will to live" was independently associated with "unable to utilize a personal savings account", "do not have a chance to chat with friends or family", "do not talk with friends or family over the phone", "less than 10 teeth are left", "do not visit friends", and "weight loss" in the young-old group ; and with "poor memory", "weight loss", "living alone", "have cardiac symptoms", and "poor self-rated health" in the old-old group. In women, the feeling of a "poor will to live" was associated with "unable to utilize a personal saving account", "problems with meals", "have cerebrovascular symptoms", "do not participate in local activities", "poor self-rated health" and "do not participate in any hobby or recreational associations" in the young-old group ; and with "feel unable to perform house work satisfactorily", "do not participate in local activities", "unable to communicate well due to hearing loss", and "poor self-rated health" in the old-old group. Conclusion : Although the physical, psychological and lifestyle factors in relative to "the will to live" differ for sex and age, social factors tend to be more important to enhance "the will to live" among the younger elderly and physical weakness seems to be more crucial for the older elderly, in both men and women.}, pages = {39--45}, title = {農村地域在住高齢者の生きる意欲に関連する要因}, year = {2008} }