@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000035, author = {郷良, 淳子}, issue = {2}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編, Studies in nursing and rehabilitation}, month = {Mar}, note = {思春期精神科のケアは、大人への抵抗を示す思春期態勢のために難しいといわれる。本稿では、日本および欧米の10年間の思春期精神科看護の文献を概観した。結果、患者との関係性の構築に苦慮する看護者の姿が浮かび上がった。一方で、患者の病気や入院体験の意味そのものを探究し患者を深く理解することから、効果的な実践報告があった。これらを手がかりに、1.患者のコミュニケーションパターンの取り入れ、2.思春期の自我拡散の特徴を理解し、先手をとることが、思春期精神科看護の重要なポイントとして示唆された。, It has been said that it is difficult to treat adolescent patients with mental illness because they are in the `adolescent position' and therefore they show resistance to medical staff as well as to adults in general. In this review, Japanese and international literature on adolescent psychiatric nursing of the past 10 years was reviewed, which shows clearly how nurses have been struggling to build relationships with their patients. Some practical research reports have been found to be effective because they show a deep understanding of the patients by searching for the meaning of their experience of suffering and institutionalization. These suggest that the following two factors are essential in adolescent psychiatric nursing: 1. to accept and take in patients' communication patterns; and 2. to understand the characteristics of identity diffusion in the adolescent and to forestall this so that they can get himself/herself together.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {文献レビューによる思春期精神科看護のポイント}, year = {2009} }