@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000059, author = {伊藤, 浩充 and 和田, 治 and 立松, 典篤}, issue = {3}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編, Studies in nursing and rehabilitation}, month = {Mar}, note = {40017033502, 本研究の目的は、下肢の静的アライメントや動的アライメントの特徴がドロップジャンプ(DJ)時の股・膝関節周囲筋の筋活動に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることである。対象は、健常女性23名である。静的アライメントとして大腿骨前捻角、動的アライメントとして片脚着地動作時の膝の内方変位量を計測した。大腿骨前捻角において基準値より高値を示す群(A1群)と低値を示す群(A2群)に分け、さらに、各群において膝の内方変位量の基準値より高値を示す群(A1-B1群とA2-B1群)と低値を示す群(A2-B1群とA2-B2群)とに分けた。両下肢によるDJの接地瞬間直前(前IC区間)と直後(後IC区間)の股・膝関節周囲筋の筋活動量を調べた。被験筋は、内側広筋(VM)・外側広筋(VL)・大腿二頭筋(BF)・半腱様筋(ST)・大殿筋(Gmax)・中殿筋(Gmed)であり、統計学的検定にはMann-WhitneyのU検定を用いて比較した。結果として、前IC区間において、A1群とA2群との間では、A1群でVMとSTに有意な低値を認めた。(p < 0.05)A1-B1群とA1-B2群との間では、全ての筋について両群間に有意な差は認められなかった。同様にA2-B1群とA2-B2群を比較すると、前IC区間ではA2-B1群のSTが有意に高値を示した。したがってDJのような着地からの踏切動作では、大腿骨前捻角の大きい特徴を有する女性は、VMの活動が乏しく、前捻角が小さくてもknee-inを呈しやすい女性は、踏切直前の準備期間でのSTを過剰収縮させていると考えられた。, The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of static and dynamic alignments of the lower extremities on the activation of lower extremity muscles during a drop jump. Twenty-three university women students participated in this study and were divided into two groups according to the amount of femoral anteversion (Craig’s test) present. The subjects with a higher value of anteversion were placed in Group A1, and the ones with a lower value were placed in Group A2. Then each group was again divided into two subgroups according to the amount of medial shift of the knee during a one-legged drop landing from a 20 cm height. The subjects with a larger value of medial shift were in placed in Group A1-B1 or Group A2-B1, and the ones with a lower value were placed in Group A1-B2 or Group A2-B2. The subjects then performed drop jumps from a height of 30 cm. The EMG activities of the vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), semitendinosus (ST), gluteus maximus (Gmax), and gluteus medius (Gmed) were recorded during the pre-activation (100 ms before touchdown) and the post-activation (100 ms after toe-off) phases, and the RMS of each muscle was calculated. During the pre-activation phase, the VM and ST in Group A1 showed significantly lower activities than the ones in Group A2. Group A1-B1 and Group A1-B2 showed no significant differences between any of the muscular activities. On the other hand, the ST in Group A2-B1 showed significantly higher values than the ones in Group A2-B2. During the post-activation phase, there were no significant differences between the groups in any of the muscular activities. It could be concluded that women with large femoral neck anteversion in static alignment and women even with normal femoral neck anteversion who showed knee-in motion in dynamic alignment characteristically activate their VM and ST muscles in the preparatory phase of drop jump.}, pages = {23--31}, title = {下肢アライメントの特徴がドロップジャンプ時の股・膝関節周囲筋の筋活動に及ぼす影響}, year = {2009} }