@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000802, author = {呂, 麗敏}, issue = {39}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 文学・文化編, Konan Women's University researches of literature and culture volume}, month = {Mar}, note = {110001045526, Japanese kanjion constitute one sort of Chinese pronunciation system adopted in Japan for reading the Chinese classics and other works. Since the pronunciation of Chinese has changed in the course of history, Japanese kanjion give rise to several styles of reading from the same Chinese characters. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the first edition of the Manual of the Japanese and English Languages from the fourth year of Meiji. This was a text for elementary English education in the Japanese Meiji Era. These different pronunciations for reading the same Chinese characters, as mentioned above, have been discovered from the text of the first edition by research into this period., Japanese kanjion constitute one sort of Chinese pronunciation system adopted in Japan for reading the Chinese classics and other works. Since the pronunciation of Chinese has changed in the course of history, Japanese kanjion give rise to several styles of reading from the same Chinese characters. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the first edition of the Manual of the Japanese and English Languages from the fourth year of Meiji. This was a text for elementary English education in the Japanese Meiji Era. These different pronunciations for reading the same Chinese characters, as mentioned above, have been discovered from the text of the first edition by research into this period.}, pages = {9--15}, title = {漢字音に関する一考察 : 明治初期英学資料を資料として}, year = {2003} }