@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000081, author = {上村, 聡子}, issue = {3}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編, Studies in nursing and rehabilitation}, month = {Nov}, note = {40017033507, 本研究では、特別養護老人ホームの看護職・介護職・施設長を対象に、今後増加するであろう、特養におけるがん終末期ケアの現状を明らかにすることを目的とした。データーは、A県下全特養278施設の施設長・看護職・介護職に対し、郵送法による質問紙調査を実施し、施設長は104名(回答率37.4%)、看護職者は95名(回答率34.1%)、介護職者は97名(回答率34.9%)から回答を得た。  本調査対象の特養では、86.5%が終末期ケアの受け入れを行っているにも関わらず、がん終末期ケアの対応が可能と考えている施設長は35.9%、看護職は27.2%、介護職は35.2%であった。がん終末期の対応ができない、あるいはどちらとも言えないと回答した理由は、「苦痛の緩和が困難」「必要な医療の提供が出来ない」「看護師の夜勤体制(24時間体制をとっていない)」「症状緩和が困難」が3職種共に上位を占めていた。また、自由記載から特養の終末期ケアの現状を分析したところ、医療機関での終末期ケアとの違いを大切にしたいと職員は考えている一方で、質の保障が難しいと捉えている施設もあることが明らかになった。生活の場における終末期ケアを実施する為には、特養における終末期ケアの受け入れ可能な条件を、老衰とがん終末期のように医療ニーズの高いものとを区別して検討し、特養の終末期ケアの限界を明らかにすること、地域の医療との連携を図ることが必要であると示唆された。, The purpose of this study is to clarify the current condition of terminal cancer care, cases of which are expected to increase. The study was conducted through nurses, caregivers and home managers. To collect data, we used regular mail to conduct a survey. It was sent to nursing home managers, nurses and caregivers working at 278 special elderly nursing homes in Prefecture A. 104 managers (37.4%), 95 nurses (34.1%) and 97 caregivers (34.9%) responded to the questionnaire. 85% of the subject special elderly nursing homes accept terminal care patients, but only 35.9% of managers, 27.2% of nurses and 35.2% of caregivers consider themselves capable of responding to terminal cancer care. In all 3 professions, many answered they couldn’t or didn’t know if they could handle providing terminal cancer care as “It is difficult to relieve pain,” “We cannot offer the necessary medical treatment,” “Nurses are not working night shifts (no 24 hour responding system)” and “It is difficult to alleviate patients’ symptoms”. We also asked them to wire candidly about this subject and analyzed the current condition of terminal cancer care at special elderly nursing care. While those who responded wanted to note the difference with medical institutions regarding terminal care, there are many facilities where workers think it is difficult to guarantee quality of care. They indicated that to conduct terminal care in a living space, it is necessary to consider different degrees of decrepitude and requirement needs, such as those dying of cancer, and the conditions for accepting terminal care patients at special elderly nursing homes, as well as clarifying the limits of terminal care at these facilities. Another requirement cited was working together with the local medical community.}, pages = {69--77}, title = {特別養護老人ホームのがん終末期ケアに関する研究}, year = {2009} }