@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000811, author = {松崎, 千香子}, issue = {40}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 文学・文化編, Konan Women's University researches of literature and culture volume}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004680857, 本稿では, 学生の初めての教壇経験としての模擬授業と, 現職日本語教師の授業を比較し, 学生の授業の特徴と問題を明らかにした。また, 模擬授業後に行った学生の授業の振り返りにおける発言内容から, 学生が模擬授業を通して, 教師としてどのように変化したかについて考察した。近年, 自己研修型教師の養成を目指した教員養成の重要性が指摘されている。模擬授業, 及びその振り返りを通して, 学生自身が自己研修型教師に不可欠な自己開発能力の基盤-自己の保有する教育能力を的確に把握し, その良い点や欠点を客観的に評価するとともに, 常に自ら改善目標を設定していくことのできる能力-を築き始めたことが認められた。, The aim of teacher training is to help the trainee teachers to develop and improve their teaching practice by themselves. In this paper, the difference in teaching between a professional Japanese language teacher and a student teacher teaching Japanese for the first time is discussed. A most important difference between the two is that the professional teacher pays much attention to the learners' response and the relations between teacher and learners. Student teachers did not pay very much attention to the learners during the practice ; however, through the process of looking back over their practice and evaluating it, they found that consideration for the learners was very important. It follows from what has been said that through the experience of practice and evaluation student teachers build up the basis of the self-development ability which is necessary for the self-directed teacher.}, pages = {9--19}, title = {自己研修型教師の養成を目指した実習指導 : 自己開発能力の養成に向けて}, year = {2004} }