@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000815, author = {梅原, 大輔}, issue = {40}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 文学・文化編, Konan Women's University researches of literature and culture volume}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004680860, This paper investigates the semantic bases which cause some alternation patterns in English hit verbs. Two types of alternations which characterize this verb group are focused on. So-called "with/against alternations" (Levin 1993) which are assumed to be unique to this verb group can be attributed to a cluster of semantic features, including lack of end-state specification, concurrentness of two sub-events, and lack of manner modification. Conative alternations imply that the intended event has not been completed, but is halfway through, and can be observed with the verbs compatible with these features.}, pages = {53--60}, title = {Hit 動詞の交替形とその意味的基盤について}, year = {2004} }