@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000085, author = {前田, 勇子}, issue = {3}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編, Studies in nursing and rehabilitation}, month = {Nov}, note = {40017033511, 術後患者の苦痛要因である術後痛に関して、アンケート調査票を用いて性差による分析を行った。開胸・開腹手術(内視鏡下を含む)を受ける患者を対象に、以前の痛み経験、術後痛に対する不安、鎮痛薬に対する考え、Visual Analog Scale(VAS)を用いて最も強く感じた術後痛の程度(以後最大VAS)を尋ねた。男性70名(20-84歳)、女性56歳(25-83歳)の計126名よりデータが得られた。最大VASは女性が男性に比べ有意に高値であり(p<0.01)、最大VASが70以上の強い痛みを感じている割合も高かった(p<0.05)。逆に最大VASが40以下のほぼ満足できる鎮痛が得られた割合は、男性が有意に多かった(p<0.01)。術後痛に対する不安は女性が有意に強く(p<0.05)、また硬膜外鎮痛の割合が女性患者で少なかったが(p<0.05)、これらの要因は、男性ならびに女性の術後痛の強さに関わっていなかった。本研究により、女性は男性に比べて術後痛を強く感じることが示唆され、このことは周手術期の術後痛ケア実施時に留意すべきであることがわかった。, There is evidence in the literature that pain threshold and tolerance to painful stimuli are lower in females than in males. The objective of this study was to investigate gender differences in postoperative pain following thoracic and/or abdominal surgery, including endoscopic surgery using a questionnaire. This study enrolled 126 patients (70 males : 20~84 years ; 56 females : 25~83 years) who provided responses to the questionnaire, including questions about anxiety over postoperative pain preoperatively and severity of postoperative pain, which was assessed using the visual analog scale (VAS) score, postoperatively. The VAS scores of the female patients were significantly higher than those of the male patients (p<0.01). Moreover, the female patients had VAS scores > 70 more frequently than the male patients (p<0.05). The male patients had VAS scores < 40 more frequently than the female patients (p<0.01). The anxiety over postoperative pain in the female patients was significantly greater than that in the male patients (p<0.05), and the female patients received epidural analgesia less frequently than the male patients (p<0.05), although the severity of postoperative pain was not associated with these results. In conclusion, postoperative pain following thoracic and/or abdominal surgery was more severe in female patients than in male patients. The severity of postoperative pain was, however, not associated with preoperative anxiety over such pain.}, pages = {105--110}, title = {性差からみた術後痛に関する研究}, year = {2009} }