@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000086, author = {桝田, 聖子 and 大井, 美紀 and 川井, 太加子 and 臼井, キミカ and 津村, 智恵子}, issue = {3}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編, Studies in nursing and rehabilitation}, month = {Nov}, note = {40017033512, 少子高齢化に伴い、単身高齢者および高齢世帯の割合が増加する中、都市部を中心とした孤独死の問題が生じている。今回、3政令指定都市(兵庫県A市:A群、大阪府O市、S市:B群)の民生委員・友愛訪問ボランティア等地域見守りネットワークメンバー489名を対象として質問紙調査を実施した。その結果、見守り専門職のいるA群では、地域見守りネットワークメンバーのうち、見守り活動による孤独死防止が可能と考える人の割合が高く、訪問や近隣との協力により地域見守りネットワーク活動を行うことは、孤独死の防止に役立つ可能性が示唆された。, While the rate of households with either single or multiple elderly residents continues to increase along with the aging population, and the birthrate continues to decline, the solitary deaths of the elderly has become an issue. For this study, we asked 489 members of community watch networks, including welfare commissioners and household visitation volunteers in 3 ordinance-designated cities (Group A : City A in Hyogo Prefecture, and Group B : City O and City S in Osaka Prefecture) to fill out paper questionnaires. One result was that participants from Group A, which has community watch professionals, have a higher rate of community watch members who think they can prevent solitary elderly people’s death through their activities. This is indicative that visiting houses and conducting activities in cooperation with neighboring residents can reduce, if not prevent, solitary death.}, pages = {111--120}, title = {A市における地域住民を主体とした地域見守りネットワーク活動の現状 : 地域別比較を通して}, year = {2009} }