@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000860, author = {三島, 郁}, issue = {43}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 文学・文化編, Studies in Literature and Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006424834, The history of music, in most cases, has actually been the history of musical style. Such a history involves identifying and connecting the characteristics of those outstanding composers that modern historians would judge as great musicians. However, in reality, the history of music encompasses all the activities of human life. In this article, I would like to restructure musical history by discussing the activities of Louis Spohr (1784-1859), a musician who lived in Germany in the first half of the nineteenth century. Spohr is known for his "Violinschule" (a manual for the violin); however, he is currently regarded as a second-class or trivial epigonic composer between the Classical and the Romantic era. Nevertheless, Spohr was admired by the critics of his time such as Johann Friedrich Rochlitz (1769-1842) in the "Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, " and his works ranked at a high position in the repertoire of the Gewanthauskonzert. Furthermore, he founded "Cailienverin" and attempted to perform Bach's "Matthauspassion." Therefore, I would like to consider Louis Spohr as not only a composer but also a violin virtuoso, a Kapellmeister in the court, and a director in the theatrical and choral society. It is very likely that he was an integral part of musical life at that time; considering him in such a perspective can serve as a useful reference in the reexamination of musical history.}, pages = {69--77}, title = {カッセルの宮廷楽長シュポアの音楽活動とその評価 : 19世紀の音楽史再考に向けて}, year = {2007} }