@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000957, author = {合田, 美穂}, issue = {41}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 人間科学編, Studies in human sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004627947, This historical and socio-cultural study investigates the complicated relationship between overseas Chinese and the natives in South-East Asia, using Chinese minorities (such as Kapitan in Malaysia, Chukong in Indonesia and pure-blooded Chinese in Indonesia) and mixed-blooded communities (such as in Peranakan in Malaysia and Indonesia) as examples to show different patterns of national and cultural adaptation and acculturation. From documents, we can see that the Chinese minority culture and society have developed in accordance with changes within Malaysia and Indonesia and the outside world. Due to interactions with other groups, either inside or outside Malaysia and Indonesia, the Chinese minority, which has its special characteristics, has undergone specific changes.}, pages = {45--55}, title = {東南アジア華人移民の歴史およびマレーシアとインドネシアにおける華人移民の適応パターン}, year = {2005} }