@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000959, author = {山本, 存}, issue = {41}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 人間科学編, Studies in human sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {110004627949, In this study, a questionnaire survey was used to determine the employment status and recreational activities of home helpers, along with the present state of leisure and recreational activities of participants in home helper training courses, the findings from which are summarized below. Home helpers tended to engage positively in leisure activities in comparison with the situation at the time of their training, as a result of feeling a greater sense of satisfaction in their work during the course of interacting with elderly persons requiring home care. They were also aware of changes in themselves as indicated by replies including "found a rewarding occupation", "began to make valuable use of my time", "became more positive in everything I do" and "began to make effective use of leisure activities". With respect to the content of classes in practical recreational activities, it is necessary to consider carefully the importance of leisure and recreation in daily life. It is also desirable to find a way to promote incorporation of recreational activities in daily life for both home helpers and users of home care services, as well as to effectively incorporate communication skills that promote the establishment of rapport with those users.}, pages = {71--77}, title = {ホームヘルパーの余暇・レクリエーションに関する研究}, year = {2005} }