@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000977, author = {原田, 隆司}, issue = {43}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 人間科学編, Studies in human sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006424957, This is part of a research project based on our experiences of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. In this paper I focused on the ordinary life of an elder woman living by herself in Nishinomiya. I met her at a shelter in a Junior high school in 1995. In September 2006, I visited her to talk about her daily life. She is seventy-nine years old now. She has been living by herself for over twenty years. She works at a Print-Club shop, where five photo vending machines are settled. Every afternoon, young students come to take photos by themselves. Every day she cleans the shop space, and does maintenance work for the machines once or twice a month. This is a part-time job, but she really enjoys working and chatting with young female students. She likes traveling by herself. After getting information using internet research, she coordinated her travel to Okinawa Island. She also likes Sudoku and making poems. She has been living on her own for these twenty years and it is certain that she finds some fulfillment in her life.}, pages = {49--56}, title = {プリクラ,インターネット,一人旅 : 非日常の中の日常 : 1995年西宮(12)}, year = {2007} }