@article{oai:konan-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000987, author = {坂井, 康子}, issue = {44}, journal = {甲南女子大学研究紀要. 人間科学編, Studies in human sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006966707, This article is a consideration of how adults understand the vocal expressions of infants. By asking a group of adults to categorize a number of samples of infant vocalization as either speech or song, an attempt was made to establish possible criteria for differentiating between the two. "Sound extension" and "pitch alteration, especially a rise in pitch at the end of an utterance" were found to be the two chief characteristics that appear to influence our understanding of infant vocal expression as song. However, the study also revealed that a certain amount of perceptual variation as to where the speech/song boundary lies occurs amongst adult listeners.}, pages = {29--36}, title = {幼児の音声表現における歌唱様発声}, year = {2008} }